Thursday, February 11, 2021

Members Speak Out During VEA Lobby Week


More than X,000 members participated, in one form or another, in key Lobby Week events, including showing up at  our  Teach-In  or  the  Fund Our Future Rally, viewing VEA’s news   conference, or catching the livestreams or other action on VEA social media. We were virtual but we were loud, and we were heard!

          There are two very  important Action Alerts on critical  bills going right now. Please continue to promote                  these until  VElets  us  know  the time for action is past: 

Fund the SOQs. VEA asks everyone to  send a  letter  to members of the House and Senate money Committees urging passage of the School Equity and Staffing Act, being led by Senator Jennifer McClellan in  the  Senate  and Delegate  Lashrecse  Aird  in the House. Here is the link to take action. 

Oppose Bill to Force In- Person Option. VEA opposes Senate Bill 1303, which would require ALL Virginia school divisions to offer an in-person option to parents. VEA favors maintaining the efforts to puhealth and safety first and ensure that conditions in each community are appropriate to r e t u r n      t o      i n - p e r s o n instruction. Use this link to write your Senator opposing SB1303. 

Several people have asked about recordings of the Teach-InTharecordinis now available here. You will need to use the passcode Z3.p5fRA to play it.

To keep up with all developments in the General Assembly,  be  sure  to  check out the VEA Reports from the General Assembly at  this link.

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