Thursday, December 5, 2019

VEA 2020 Legislative Agenda

Fully funds the revised Standards of Quality (SOQs), as adopted by the Virginia Board of Education.
 Restore the probationary period for teachers to three years.
 Attracts and retains high-quality teachers and school personnel and improves professional development opportunities for all school employees.
 Protects professional teaching licenses.
 Improves, implements and funds programs, resources, and professional development for educators to support student behaviors that reduce the need for suspensions and expulsions.
 Eliminate the requirement that school principals report to law enforcement certain disciplinary incidents that may constitute a misdemeanor or offense.
 Increases funds directed to programs
The VEA Board of Directors has approved the following legislative agenda for the 2020 session of the Virginia General Assembly.
 Provides resources to ensure that school employees earn a living wage and that teacher salaries are at or above the national average.
 Open participation in Virginia’s current state employee health insurance program to all school employees.
 Supports the needs of and addresses the inequities in Virginia’s small and rural school divisions.
 Reduce the total number and type of required Standards of Learning assessments to the minimum federal requirements.
serving Virginia’s most at-risk students.
 Supports and protects the safety and mental health of our public school educators and students.
 Maintains designated school property as gun-free zones.
Keep up with all the latest legislative news affecting schools by reading VEA’s daily updates during the General Assembly session. You’ll find them at www.veadailyreports. com.

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