PEA Officers & UniServ Staff


Jessica Jones is an Agricultural Science Teacher at Tunstall High School.  Jones has been an association member since she began teaching 16 years ago.  She enjoys photography, the arts, culinary cuisine, and traveling.  Jessica hopes to combine several of her passions and one day open a Bed & Breakfast!

When asked why she joined the Pittsylvania Education Association, Jones responds, 
"Growing up around a host of different educators, I was impacted by individuals who played a significant role in what my image and expectations were and are of education and educators. The reason I joined the Association was because I wanted to be around those same types of individuals who had molded and enlightened me as a student in school. Granted, throughout my career I have been able to be involved in numerous professional development opportunities and have been privileged to be a part of experiences that may have not been afforded to me otherwise, but overall, I truly enjoy being around educators who have a drive and passion to learn, share their knowledge, and grow together for the common good."
Jessica's goal as an officer in PEA is to bring about the change we want and need to see for the benefit and longevity of our organization.

"The greatest inequality is the equal treatment of unequals." 
~ Thomas Jefferson, 1781

Executive Vice President

Willie Sherman, Chatham High School

Vice President for Membership and Communications

Evangelina Balmori, Gretna High School

Vice President for Government Relations

Evangelina Balmori, Gretna High School


Kate Wells, Tunstall Middle School

Kate Wells has been a sixth grade teacher of English and US History at Tunstall Middle School for the past fourteen years.  She has been a member since she began teaching in 2006.  Kate's interests include historical fiction, travel, music, and art.  Wells says she became a member because, 
"I have always considered myself a professional, so I felt it was essential to join my professional association.  Just as doctors or lawyers wouldn't (and in many cases, couldn't) practice without belonging to their professional associations, I feel teachers should take themselves seriously enough to associate with other professional educators." 
Inspired by these words from Robert Kennedy, "Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can work to change a small portion of the events, and in the total of all these acts will be written the history of this generation..."Kate's goal as a an officer of PEA is to serve as an advocate for Pittsylvania County educators, educational support professionals, and students. 

"It is the duty of every citizen according to his best capacities to give validity to his convictions in political affairs."   - Albert Einstein


Mike Williams, Stony Mill Elementary School

UniServ Staff

Our UniServ Director is Alice Willingham.

On behalf of Brenda Pike, this message was sent to the VEA Board of Directors, Local Presidents, UniServ Standards Advisory Committee, UniServ Support Staff, and all VEA Staff:

I am very pleased to announce that Alice Willingham is joining VEA as the new UniServ Director for Territory 6, working out of the Piedmont UniServ Unit in Danville, Virginia. 

Alice is an enthusiastic and motivated retired teacher and leader from the St. Mary’s County Maryland school system with over 30 years of teaching middle and high school language arts/English. Alice brings extensive knowledge and experience from her leadership roles in the Education Association of St. Mary’s County and active involvement in the Maryland State Education Association, including building representation, advocacy, member representation, and grievance handling.
Alice is a National Board Certified Teacher and has a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Development from Towson University and a Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education of English from the State University of New York at Cortland.

Alice relocated to Virginia from Maryland, and began working with us on November 12, 2019.      Her email address is
Please give Alice a grand and warm VEA welcome! 

You may contact her through Bonnie at the UniServ Office as indicated below.

Bonnie Montague,,  
Administrative Assistant for PEA and the rest of the Piedmont region of District I 
at the UniServ Office
Phone:  434-799-5498        Fax: 434-799-7441