Tuesday, May 19, 2020


The Teacher Evaluation Revision Committee met on Wednesday, May 13 to discuss the responses received. A summary of the responses is provided for your review.
Teacher Evaluation Review:
 12 of 13 respondents indicated “no” to maintain the current PCS evaluation and 1 of 13 “yes”
 The “yes” indicted agreement with a change, if it was the pleasure of most committee members, provided that standard 7 was not rated lower than the other six standards.
 12 of 13 agreed to the recommended revisions in the Guidelines (February 2020) with the following (summarized) comments/provisions:
 Two respondents stated that standard 6 (professionalism) should be rated at least equal to standards 1-5; i.e., did not agree with the suggested weight of 1 or 10%
 Four respondents expressed agreement with weighted changes, or to making sure that with any changes that standard 7 (student progress) was not a lower weight than standards 1-6.
 Five suggestions were offered at revised weighting (provided by two respondents who served on both committees):
 Standard 1 (Professional Knowledge) – 25%, Standard 7 (Student Progress) – 25% and other standards weighted
at 10% each
 Standards 1,2,3,4,5 – 12% each, Standard 6 – 15% and Standard 7 – 25%
 Standards 1,2,3,4,5 – 13% each, Standard 6 – 15% and Standard 7 20%
 Standards 1,2,3,4,5,6 – 12.5% each and Standard 7 – 25%
 Standards 1,2,3,4,5,6 – 13.33% each and Standard 20%
There was a strong consensus to make a change from the current system in which standard 7 has a weight of 4 or 40% for the teacher evaluation. Concerns were expressed about the recommended weight of standard 6 (professionalism) being less (1 versus 1.5 of the others) and the perception of it being valued less.
Several questions were posed from a few respondents. A response is provided in italics.
 Will the committee meet to hear feedback from the online data collection and/or to provide further input moving forward? Mr. Mayhew will schedule a
Google Meet session.
 Will PCS create an additional criterion to the summative rating? Is so, what does it look like and when will it be shared with teachers? No plans for additional local criterion
 If revised, when would the evaluation system be implemented? If approved, 2020-2021.
 When and to what extent will the PCS priori (cut-offs) be developed? Recommend that the current range of cut-off priori used be included in teacher’s manual.
 Cumulative summative rating scores will be calculated using the following scale:
 Unacceptable = 1
 Developing/Needs improvement = 2
 Proficient = 3
 Exemplary = 4
 The overall summative rating will be judged as exemplary, proficient, developing/needs improvement, or unacceptable using the following range of scores:
 Unacceptable = 10-19
 Developing/Needs improvement = 20-25
 Proficient = 26-34
 Exemplary = 35-40
After much conversation, the committee agreed on Option E (See graphic on pg. 2 of this month's Gazette). Further, it was discussed teachers will get a copy of the Summary Rating Scale at the beginning of the year to have for their records and use. Too, it was discussed principals will receive an evaluation calculator that will perform the math steps of the evaluation to ensure consistency and accuracy of the calculations. The new teacher evaluation system will become effective July 1, 2020.

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