Monday, January 4, 2021

Budget Amendments: A Pandemic ‘Patch’ But Much More Needed


On Wednesday, Governor Northam released his amendments to the state biennial budget.  In VEA’s statement VEA referred to it  as a patch” because it DID save local school divisions millions in funding they would have lost through student enrollment declines, as well as other favorable measures. But our students and those who work with them  deserve  much  more  than  a  patch.  As  2020  turns  to  2021, vaccines are distributed and our economy recovers, there is a SIGNIFICANT need to invest in public schools. Nothing will be freely given—we must fight for it. (See Collective Bargaining and Lobby Day items in PEA Gazette Special Edition articles.) From the General Assembly to local school board meetings to working for recommended candidates next fall—each one of us needs to make the necessary commitment to stand up for schools in 2021.

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