Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Our Union Helps Win $3 Billion in School Funding for Virginia

Congress passed a historic economic relief package, the American Rescue Plan, which will provide critical funding to supports students and help alleviate suffering felt by millions of Americans.

The new American Rescue Plan includes major funding to help schools recover from the COVID pandemic. The $1.9 trillion package includes funding to be directed to K-12  and  higher  education in each state, and  NEA  has  calculated  that  Virginia’s share is just more than $3 billion.. There can be no doubt that funding is reaching our Commonwealth to address the mitigation concerns.

Our   public   schools   and   institutions   of higher education can use these and other funds in the American Rescue Plan:

o To hire more teachers, paraeducators, custodians, nurses and counselors,

T implement   safet protocol and acquire PPE,

o      To      improve      ventilation      and

HVAC systems,

o To help students deal with incredible trauma  and     lost     opportunities  to learn theyve

endured this past year,

o  To put  deviceand  the  internet  in  the hands of students who have been locked out of online learning, and

o To feed hungry students and provide assistance for homeless students.


This  federal  legislation  will  undoubtedlalleviate  some  of  our  nations  immenssuffering,  but  there  istilmuch  work ahead to fully recover from the worst crisis to hit this country in more than a century and to build back something better.

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