Tuesday, April 13, 2021

We Must Build Our Organizing Power to Bargain Benefits for All

 During his campaign, President Joe Biden expressed his strong support for your right to form unions and bargain a contract. I want to make sure   yo view   his   remarks   in support of the Union organizing drive at an Amazon fulfillment center in Bessemer, Alabama.


Unions put power in the hands of workers. They level the playing field.  They  give  you  a  stronger voice for your health, your safety, higher wages, protections from ra- cial discrimination and  sexual harassment. Unions lift up workers, both union and nonunion, but especially Black and Brown workers…. There should be no intimidation,    no    coercion,    no

threats, no anti-union propaganda. No supervisor should confront employees about their union preferences. Every worker should have a free and fair choice to join a union. The law guarantees that choice. And its your right, not that of an employer, it’s your right.


Last fall, VEA launched the Organizing to Bargain (O2B) campaign to win recognition and bargaining rights in local Virginia school    divisions.   To    this    point, s e v e r a l     hun d r e d     m e m b e r s , representing  more  than  60  Locals, in c lu d in g     P it t s y lv a n i a , h a v e participated in VEA training to build a bargaining campaign. VEA has held  several  Level  1  and  Level  2 t r a in in g s .     I f     y ou    ha v e     n o t participated, I strongly urge you to take the training and join your Union brothers and sisters in organizing to move toward the ultimate goal of bargaining in every Virginia locality.

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