Thursday, February 11, 2021

Don’t Miss VEA’s Summit on Racial and Social Justice!

 B  u  i  l  d           Y  o  u  r           A  d  v  o  c  a  c  

at VEA's Summit on Racial and Social Justice.


The  VEA  Department  of  Human  &  Civil Rights  is e  x  c  i  t  e  d         t  o         a  n  n  o u  n  c  e         a virtual    summit    on    racial   and    social    justice! This  summit is  the launching pad for  members to understand their role in advocating for equal and fair resources and the best public education for every child in the Commonwealth of Virginia regardless of zip code. Secure your spot today!  Register now for this important virtual event! Its happening February

   20. Here’s the registration link.

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