Thursday, February 11, 2021

The Public Supports a Cautious Approach!

In a new poll taken by Christopher Newport University’s Wason Center for Civic Leadership, 45 percent say we’re reopening schools too quickly and 30 percent say the pace is about right. Only 25 percent said it was happening too slowly. According to  poll  analysis, COVID-19  State  Response: Virginians are  split  on  the  state’s response to the pandemic (52% approve to 49% disapprove), largely along partisan lines. Republicans show a much higher level of disapproval than Democrats (74% to

22%). Asked about K-12 public schools, 45% of Virginians say schools are opening too quickly,  while  25%  believe  schools  are  opening  too  slowly,  and  30%  are satisfied with the pace. Women are more likely than men to say schools are opening too quickly (52% to 39%). Democrats are twice as likely as Republicans to say schools are opening too quickly (57% to 28%).


Check out the poll here:

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