Thursday, February 11, 2021

PEA Delegates Attend Pre-Convention Virtual Caucus Session


Thank you to the PEA Elections Commission and Commission Chair, Terea James (Tunstall High), for operating a smooth convention elections process. From the 2021 elections, the following individuals were selected by the PEA membership to serve as PEA Delegates to the VEA Convention:

          Ashley Stanley Brosville Elementary

          Karen Conner Chatham High (Alt.)

          Cory Foster Dan River High School

          Evangelina Balmori Gretna High School

          *Dr. Willie Sherman Executive Vice President

          *Dr. Jessica Jones President

*Note: By virtue of the position, automatic delegate to VEA Convention.

Convention delegates attended the caucus session on Saturday, February 6 from 9-10:30AM. At the meeting, attendees learned how to access delegate documents, learned about the virtual platform that will be used for the Convention, reviewed proposed virtual parliamentary procedures, how to help the VEA achieve PAC fund raising goals, and reviewed the proposed VEA Resolutions and Budget. Attendees also heard from VEA retirees.


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